11 november, 2010

Quick how to: Writing CAS self-evaluations

In my early IB days I remember having some serious issues writing CAS evaluations, so here's a quick CAS report guide for anyone else in need.

Step 1 Short summery of what you've done. Additionally tell about your expectations before the activity, and what your goals was
E.g: "I decided to take part in arranging a fundraiser for the victems of hurricane katrina in order to help develop my management and people skills, and help those in need, to get a more global perceptive, as I figured this would be a challenging task".

Step 2 Tell about the procress. What was good? What could have been done better? Did you succeed in reaching your goal?
E.g: "Primarily this task required us to make a lot of communication with various charities. Another part of the process was getting the community interested in participating. We were required to research our case futher in order to also enlighten the people attending. The communication went very well, and was very professsionally done. However we found it quite difficult to motivate the community to attend. But in the end we managed to create a small but very successful fundraiser." etc.

Step 3 How has it changed (read: improved!) you and your outlook upon the world? Did it improve any of your skills (communication, cooperation, persistance etc.)? Did it make you view the world differently (understand the dynamics of the world better, appreciate others more)? Compare the actual experience of the activity with the expectations (step 1) you've had for it, and thereby demonstrate what you've learned.

And you're done!

(Additionally remember to always relate it to 1-3 of the 8 learning outcomes IBO has set.. and yeah, it's okay to be a little dramatic when you evaluate. )

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